I am pleased to welcome you to my website! I wanted to create my website for a long time and it's finally done! I chose to orient my site in the field of scientific research and share with you this passion ... and other subjects which I hope will emerge over time.

My site is currently in the development phase, it is still far from being very complete, but it will evolve quickly I hope. I will also try to set up a forum which will allow us to share our ideas on the major subjects that I mentioned a little above.

Here is for the small introduction, welcome and good surfing.



Sediment Transport, Fluvial Hydraulics
Dam Engineering, Applied Hydraulics, Maritime Hydraulics, Coastal Sediment Transport, Hydraulics numerical modeling, Hydraulic Measurement,Fluid Mechanics,Communication and Engineering projects


Master of Business and Administration(MBA)
Higher Education Certificate in Environment Engineering
Philosophy Doctor, Civil Engineering
Master of Applied Sciences, Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Sciences, Civil Engineering Baccalaureate, Mathematical Sciences


Affiliate Full Professor, EMI, Rabat, Morocco
President of Med First University, Morocco
Advisor, Education and Higher Education Ministry, Morocco
Consultant, Education and Higher Education Ministry, Morocco
Dean, Ain Chock Science School,


Sediment Transport in fluvial systems:
Structural Hydraulics
Sediment transport management and impact on hydraulic structures
River restoring technics and environment impacts
Impact of material extraction at the low bed and high bed


Sediment Transport in fluvial systems
Mathematical modeling of the diffusion dispersion in open channel flows
Watershed hydraulic erosion and dam’s silting
Hydro informatics
Other Research ...


Sediment deposition in saint Laurent river by numerical modeling.
Design of dams using Modeling tools Two numerical modeling of hydrodynamic circulation in Djeddah Marina
Moroccan silting dams and watershed erosion prediction and management Study
Earth canal (Boumaiz) between two rivers by numerical modeling
Other projetcs..


PHD thesis defense (±20)
Research habilitation for Assistant Professors (±6)
Selection of Assistant Professors (±5)
Selection of School’s deans (±2)

Master and PhD (in French)

Saltation transport of sediments in rivers

Feasibility study two-dimensional vertical modeling of hydrodynamics and sedimentation of dam’s reservoir

Quasi two dimensional modeling based on the jet theory for studying hydrodynamics of a dam reservoir

Comparative analyses of two-dimensional numerical models for river’s moved bottom.

Numerical analysis of aggradation and degradation processes of river beds.

Elaboration of software to help choosing the best sediment models

Two-dimensional horizontal numerical modeling of sediment transport and sedimentation in open channel flow.

Bachelor (in French)

Analyze of suspended sediment concentration variation of Sebou river near the water supply intake and their impact of water station treatment operation.

Study of the hydrological model HEC-1: calibration, sensitivity analysis, and implementation in VMS interface environment (VAX).

Impact of the upstream structure management on Tunis Lake, using SWMM model.

Study of wastewater treatment plant, case study.
Silting of dams: Inventory of the situation and remediation solutions.

Numerical modeling dam break flooding and implementation of emergency planning.




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