- LITMO One dimensional modeling of mobile bed hydraulics and sediment transport of open channel hydraulics by finite differences
- HDF Two dimensional modeling of hydrodynamics integrated in depth of open channel hydraulics by finite differences
- HEF Two dimensional modeling of hydrodynamics integrated in depth of open channel hydraulics by finite differences and finite elements
- HDFDISP Two dimensional modeling of sediment diffusion dispersion integrated in depth of open channel hydraulics by finite differences
- HEFDISP Two dimensional modeling of sediment diffusion dispersion integrated in depth of open channel hydraulics by finite elements
- DEPLAC Two dimensional modeling of silting dams integrated in depth of open channel hydraulics by finite differences
- SEDQ3D Quasi tree modeling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport of open channel hydraulics by finite differences
- SCOUR Scour analysis for river crossing structures and bridges
- CANIVEAU hydraulic analysis of small hydraulic structures(Culverts)
- SEDI2000 Choose of sediment models to evaluate sediment curve of rivers using dynamic approach
- TRANSIT Coastal sediment transport study using many models for by currents and waves hydrodynamics
- DRL Longitudinal Road Drainage software
- SIDRAU Rainwater drainage simulation software in urban areas
- ANASED Sediment transport simulation software for fluvial environment capacity studies