- Sediment Transport in fluvial systems: LPEE, Morocco
- Structural Hydraulics: Visiting Professor, Polytechnic School of Thiés, Senegal
- Sediment transport management and impact on hydraulic structures: EHTP
- River restoring technics and environment impacts: EHTP
- Impact of material extraction at the low bed and high bed: EHTP
EHTP for Water Ministry, Morocco
- Hydraulic aspects in river crossings structures (culverts and bridges)Sanitation and road drainage Technics. EHTP for Transport Ministry
- Flood prediction and protection engineering
- Mathematical modeling of water quality: hydrodynamic and thermal aspects
- Management of sediment transport in river systems (watershed and dams):
EHTP for Water Ministry and FAO, Morocco
- HEC-RAS: Open channel hydraulics and sedimentation modeling: EMI, Morocco
- Silting dams Visiting Professor, Laval University, Canada